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Demonworld - Unicorns & Riders

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- Demonworld Unicorns & Riders

The 15mm stuff from Demonworld is very nice and well sculpted. I like the wood elves, in particular, many of which were sculpted by Werner Klocke (I have the unicorns & riders, pegasus & riders, and one of the character packs.. They're all beautiful). I have managed to paint one of the characters, the sorceress on a unicorn.

Demonworld is FAR superior to the Dark Raven Foundry, the only other 15mm fantasy line I am familiar with. There's also Pendraken out of England, and their stuff looks pretty cool, but I don't know if it's good. You can get Demonworld stuff through Brookhurst Hobbies or The Last Square. I haven't ordered from either, but have never heard bad things about them, either.

Image of Demonworld - Unicorns & Riders