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POV files are normal ASCII text and do not contain a header or any binary information. Text information in a POV file is case-sensitive. Lowercase words are reserved language keywords. Uppercase words are used for naming data constructs. A single character in double-quotes is a literal character.
Comments in POV files use with the Standard C comment tokens /* */ or the C++ comment token //. The Standard C tokens may be nested. Data may be inserted into a POV file using the #include declaration, as follows:
#include ""
POV includes files that normally have the extension ".inc" and contain information that is shared between multiple POV renderings.
One nice feature of POV is the ability to pre-define a set of data that is used repeatedly, similar to the type definition (typedef) feature found in the C language.
Predefinition is accomplished using the #declare keyword. In this example, we declare a texture with color parameters values for white:
texture { color red 1 green 1 blue 1 }
We can predefine the color white for visual clarity in meaning and for later reuse in the file:
#declare WHITE = color red 1 green 1 blue 1
texture { color WHITE }
Code: [Select]
#macro OrientZ(p1,p2,cs)
#local nz = vnormalize(p2-p1);
#local nx = vnormalize(vcross(cs,nz));
#local ny = vcross(nz,nx);
box { <0,0,0> <1,1,0.1>
pigment { image_map { png "maderas.png"
map_type 0
interpolate 2 }
translate <-0.5,-0.5,-0.5>
//scale 2
translate 2*z
scale 65
As far as I can see I am still successfully moving the
indexes down by one for the face index, normal index, and uv index. The
only thing I can think of is that I've confused the order of the triples
in a line like:
f 1/221/1 2/219/2 3/216/3
I'm treating this as:
postion/uv/normal position/uv/normal position/uv/normal
My Python script is very brute force.
Josh English