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  • Crash Course in Healing: Managing Mental Health after an Automobile Incident

    Crash Course in Healing: Managing Mental Health after an Automobile Incident

    While a small crash may simply leave your nerves a little frazzled and your body a little shocked, serious accidents can result in a host of serious psychological effects, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and deep sadness. Studies have shown that anxiety and depression usually improve over a 12-month period after an accident, but around one-tenth […] More

  • How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

    How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

    Every year, around 500,000 commercial truck accidents happen in the US. 80% of the victims in these accidents are either the passengers or drivers of smaller vehicles. If you have ever been in such an accident, you know how painful and challenging the recovery can be. Moreover, the mounting medical bills and substantial property damage […] More

  • How to Handle Dental Injuries from a Car Crash



    How to Handle Dental Injuries from a Car Crash

    Car accidents are a reality that many people face every year, with over 6 million accidents recorded in the United States annually. These accidents often lead to numerous injuries and, in some cases, fatalities. One particularly common but frequently overlooked consequence of car crashes is dental injuries. Whether sustained in an accident, a sports injury, […] More

  • 5 Easy Steps to Follow for Reducing False Vehicle Claims

    5 Easy Steps to Follow for Reducing False Vehicle Claims

    Auto accidents aren’t always what they look like – accidents. Sometimes, people stage accidents for money. They fake car accidents and file fake vehicle claims against you and your insurance company. If you don’t do all things right at the right time, you’ll find yourself in a lot of trouble with your insurance company. If […] More

  • Can Your Lawyer Request Dashcam Footage of Your Car Crash?

    Can Your Lawyer Request Dashcam Footage of Your Car Crash?

    Just because you’re driving responsibly and following all traffic rules doesn’t mean you can’t get into a car accident. Other drivers may not be as careful as you, and their reckless driving can lead to an accident. One of the biggest concerns following a car accident is whether you’ll get compensated for your damages fully […] More

  • What Can You do if the At-Fault Driver Lies to the Insurance Company

    What Can You do if the At-Fault Driver Lies to the Insurance Company?

    Have you recently been in a car accident? Auto accidents can be traumatizing, especially if your car has been damaged too much and you suffered injuries. While all of this isn’t enough, the stress increases by several folds if the at-fault driver lies about it and tries to blame you when it really wasn’t your […] More

  • How Tailgating Causes Accidents and How to Stop It

    How Tailgating Causes Accidents and How to Stop It

    We’ve all been there. You’re stuck in traffic, and the driver in front of you is going too slow for your liking. The frustration builds as your fingers tap the steering wheel in anticipation. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, someone whizzes past you and pulls up right behind the car ahead. This is tailgating, and […] More

  • Can an Insurance Tracking Device Be Used to Devalue Your Claim?

    Can an Insurance Tracking Device Be Used to Devalue Your Claim?

    If you own a car, you must also have car insurance with excellent accidental coverage. It’s always a better option to prepare for the worst and have the best coverage from a reliable auto insurance company so that, in case you ever have an accident, you don’t have to worry about the damage restoration expenses. […] More

  • What Is a Letter of Protection or LOP?

    What Is a Letter of Protection or LOP?

    A personal injury attorney acting on behalf of a client who got hurt during a fall, a workplace injury, or a vehicle accident may write a letter of protection (LOP) and send it to a medical specialist. A LOP ensures that medical expenses will be covered by a future judgment or settlement award. Since private […] More

  • Neurological Issues from a Car Accident



    Neurological Issues from a Car Accident

    You may start experiencing some issues with your day-to-day chore after experiencing a car accident. You may also suffer from frequent episodes of migraines or cluster headaches that make it difficult for you to enjoy your life or even go to work. After a car accident, neurological issues can cause symptoms to persist for weeks […] More

  • Typical Mistakes Drivers Make That May Cause Accidents

    Typical Mistakes Drivers Make That May Cause Accidents

    When we think about dangerous modes of transport, most of us don’t think about driving on the road. Statistically speaking, passenger vehicles like cars are much more likely to result in deaths, which doesn’t even include accidents that aren’t that bad. Most car accidents we encounter are not lethal and won’t lead to significant injuries, […] More

  • How Car Crash Victims Hurt Their Claim for Compensation

    How Car Crash Victims Hurt Their Claim for Compensation

    If you’ve been a victim of a car crash due to someone else’s negligence, the first thing that will come to your mind after seeking medical attention is to file compensation for injuries, vehicle damage, and other significant losses. Filing claims for compensation can be a nightmare, and if you’re filling a car accident claim, […] More

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