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  • IRS Small Business Audit Triggers



    IRS Small Business Audit Triggers

    If you’re a small business owner, the mention of the word ‘audit’ can scare you. Audits can be pretty stressful. But audits can trigger next-level stress and anxiety for a small business owner who doesn’t have much to lose. Have you ever wondered why the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits some small businesses and spares […] More

  • Buying an Electric Vehicle? Know These Tax Law Changes



    Buying an Electric Vehicle? Know These Tax Law Changes

    Are you planning to buy an electric vehicle? If yes, receiving the tac credits must have you super-excited. And having the taxes you owe to the state slashed feels good, right? Well, if buying an electric vehicle is in your plan, you’re in for some good news and some bad news. The good news, they […] More

  • Tax Planning: 6 Tips for Year-Round Planning

    Tax Planning: 6 Tips for Year-Round Planning

    Most people sit down to calculate their income tax liability at the end of the tax year, and this often gives them surprises – not the most pleasant ones. Although you’ve got to file your taxes once a year, it doesn’t mean you can’t plan your taxes throughout the year. In fact, it’s wise to […] More

  • Tax-Loss Harvesting - How Your Investment Losses Can Work For You

    Tax-Loss Harvesting: How Your Investment Losses Can Work for You

    For a larger part of the year, you want to make sure you’re minimizing your losses as much as possible. But when tax season rolls around, those losses can actually help you out! If you sell an investment at a loss during tax season, you’re allowed to use that loss against your gains. As well […] More

  • How and Why to Invest in Real Estate Using a Self-Directed IRA

    How and Why to Invest in Real Estate Using a Self-Directed IRA

    Retirement is something you can’t run away from. People who plan for their post-retirement life well before the time arrives are the smartest kinds of people. Retirement can be a very stressful phase, especially if you don’t have sufficient finances to sustain without an income stream. One of the wisest ways to plan for retirement […] More

  • 7 Questions to Ask before Hiring a Tax Lawyer

    7 Questions to Ask before Hiring a Tax Lawyer

    Tax attorneys can assist you in resolving a tax dispute or in preventing one. Knowing what to search for will help you find the best lawyer for your requirements. Tax lawyers are legal experts who assist with tax preparation and represent clients before the IRS. They are among the top resources for assistance with tax […] More

  • Cryptocurrency - Taxing NFTs

    Cryptocurrency – Taxing NFTs

    In the world of state and local taxes, new and unique things occasionally appear. In fact, these do not conform to the established conceptual frameworks and regulations. Sales tax systems that historically applied primarily to sales of tangible items. Now they have been completely upended by the supply of digital books and other media in […] More

  • How FDI Adds Value to Supply Chains



    How FDI Adds Value to Supply Chains

    Businesses, governments, and people were all put to the test during the Pandemic. Simultaneous supply and demand shocks also had a significant negative influence on global value chains. GVC included links between firms through trade, investment, people, information flows, and technology. It helped many developing countries increase productivity growth and change their structural economies. GVCs […] More

  • Top 12 Questions Entrepreneurs Have About Business Taxes

    Top 12 Questions Entrepreneurs Have About Business Taxes

    Business taxes can be complicated, and it is not unusual for entrepreneurs to have several questions related to them. After all, there are a number of taxes that must be paid at different times of the year, which complicates a lot of business matters. Since it is important to understand the complicated tax regulations and […] More

  • Understanding Tax Credits for Businesses and Individuals

    Understanding Tax Credits for Businesses and Individuals

    Taxpayers can deduct a certain amount from their tax liability through a tax credit. Tax credits, as opposed to deductions, reduce the tax owing rather than only the taxable income. Individuals and businesses in specified regions, classifications, or industries may be eligible for various tax credits. It is our goal to help you get a […] More

  • Understanding Tax Accounting and the Importance of Year-Round Maintenance

    Understanding Tax Accounting and Year-Round Tax Maintenance

    Accounting for tax purposes is a significant subject. The demand for tax accountants will not diminish. Even though accounting software is now available to assist consumers in handling their finances. So, understanding tax accounting and year-round tax maintenance is essential for everyone. As a specialist activity, you can’t ignore tax accounting. Regardless of the organization’s […] More

  • Fraud – Continuing to Pull Back the Curtain on Federal Relief Abuses

    Fraud – Continuing to Pull Back the Curtain on Federal Relief Abuses

    The last two years saw one of the biggest frauds in U.S history. Recording a theft of more than $80 billion dollars intended to help those affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Almost 10 percent of the 800 billion dollar fund given out for the Paycheck Protection Program or PPP under the COVID relief plan was […] More

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