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  • 4 Professionals You Can Consult With During Your Florida Divorce Proceedings

    4 Professionals You Can Consult With During Your Florida Divorce Proceedings

    Divorce is a multifaceted journey encompassing legal, financial, and emotional complexities. As you navigate the intricacies of divorce in the state of Florida, seeking professional guidance becomes paramount. In this guide, we’ll delve into the roles of four crucial professionals. So you know who you can consult with during your Florida divorce proceedings. From family […] More

  • Am I Entitled to Alimony?

    Am I Entitled to Alimony?

    In simple terms, it’s a financial arrangement in which a spouse provides financial support to the other. Remember, alimony is different from child support. The latter involves paying maintenance for the well-being of a child. Here’s an example to help you understand how alimony works: Alice and Stephen have been married for 10 years and […] More

  • Re-Entering the Workforce After Divorce

    Re-Entering the Workforce After Divorce

    Divorce can be a difficult and life-changing experience for many individuals. It brings numerous adjustments, including emotional, financial, and logistical challenges, into play. One particularly challenging aspect is re-entering the workforce after a period of unemployment or underemployment during the marriage. In this article, we will explore the impact of this situation on individuals and […] More

  • What Are Temporary Orders in a Divorce Case?

    What Are Temporary Orders in a Divorce Case?

    When you first married, you would have never thought you would be talking about getting a divorce one day. One opts for divorce only when they can no longer keep up with their partner. Divorce can get pretty ugly, no matter how much in love you were when you got married. The decision to get […] More

  • 9 Ways to Help Make Joint Child Custody Work

    9 Ways to Help Make Joint Child Custody Work

    Divorce is hard and stressful. Even if the couple mutually decides to end things, a part of them breaks into a thousand pieces. Because knowing that this is the end for them and their relationship. If you and your partner are separating and you’ve got kids, remember that divorce is as hard on them as […] More

  • What You Can't Include in Your Prenuptial Agreement



    What You Can’t Include in Your Prenup

    Signing a prenup is a great way to start your new life with absolute clarity and transparency. But there are certain things that you can’t include in it. One of the most common reasons couples fight and separate is finances. But, if a married couple is not on the same page about their finances. It […] More

  • Role of a Guardian Ad Litem for Custody Disputes

    Role of a Guardian Ad Litem for Custody Disputes

    When it comes to divorce and custody, it’s actually pretty common for the two parties to become so entangled in their own issues that their children suffer as a result. When the parents are clearly on bad terms with each other. It’s easy for them to lose sight of what’s best for their children. And the […] More

  • What is a Prenuptial Agreement, and Why Should You Get One?

    What is a Prenuptial Agreement, and Why Should You Get One?

    When most people hear about a wealthy couple divorcing. Typically, this is the first thought that comes to your mind “how will they divide their wealth?” Well, that’s a valid concern because wealth distribution after divorce can take an ugly shape if one or both partners aren’t cooperative. This is where a prenuptial agreement comes […] More

  • How Do Divorced Parents Split Educational Expenses

    How Do Divorced Parents Split Educational Expenses

    Not all divorces are ugly. Many people decide to part ways gracefully on mutual agreement. While divorce does help individuals without children start fresh, it’s not as simple if you’ve got kids. You may not be man and wife post-divorce, but you’ll remain parents to your kids, which you’ve got to honor for the rest […] More

  • How Can You Keep Legal Costs Down During Divorce?

    How Can You Keep Legal Costs Down During Divorce?

    If you’re going through a divorce, you’re probably already concerned with the breakdown of your marriage. So, the last thing you need to weigh you down is the thought of how much it will cost you. And those worries are well-founded. Because a divorce can financially ruin one or both parties. Especially, when tensions are […] More

  • How to Establish Paternity in Florida

    How to Establish Paternity in Florida

    Establishing paternity is documenting the legal relationship of a man with his child. It protects the father’s right to his kids and supports mothers financially and emotionally. There are various situations when parents need to establish paternity, such as When parents of a child are not married When parents of a child are in a […] More

  • How to Deal with Debt Post-Divorce

    How to Deal with Debt Post-Divorce?

    Going through a divorce can be incredibly draining. It can affect you emotionally, psychologically, and financially. While the emotional and psychological healing can take a long time, one of the best ways to give yourself a fresh start following your divorce is to eliminate your financial debt as soon as possible. However, many couples undergoing […] More

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